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(Known in China as ‘Wuyue Tianye’) Ginkgo biloba 'Mayfield' is a male selection originating from the U.S.A. in 1948 and eventually introduced into the trade by E. H. Scanlon Nurseries, Ohio in the United States of America in 1951 .


Description - This is a tall, very upright growing cultivar, said to resemble the outline of a Lombardy Poplar and is said to be even narrower in its silhouette than Ginkgo biloba ‘Fastigiata’. The foliage is entire and not typically bi-lobed. It can grow 60 cm a year (under nursery conditions), typically achieving 30cm  to 50 cm a year. One interesting characteristic is the short lateral branches with upturned growing tips. In 10year it would not be unreasonable to expect a tree in the regions of 3.5m to 4.5 m high and a spread of up to 2 m. Most sources agree that the eventual size will be 12 m and the habit will change, broadening with age. This cultivar is said to have extraordinarily good autumn colour.

Ginkgo biloba 'Mayfield'

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