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Ginkgo biloba ‘Kopista’ is a recent introduction that was found as a witch’s broom on a tree in a park in the Czech Republic. Those responsible for finding this were Mr. Kares and Mr. Vanc. The sex of this plant is not yet known.


Oleg Bayer In polish the word ‘Kopista’ means copyist - a person who rewrote books or documents in the Middle Ages. Such a person could combine different pieces and add their own fragments. It happened that in this way new versions of the same theme were created, or even completely new works. The monks were copyists. In ancient Egypt and Assyria, highly respected professional writers, educated in temple schools, performed this activity. In Greece and Rome, writing was entrusted mainly to slaves, called Libraria. There were also publishers employing a few or a dozen slaves, copying texts from the given formula. In the Middle Ages, the production of a handwritten book was taken over by monasteries whose scriptoria’s were also writing schools. There were also writing workshops at cathedrals and colleges, employing lower diocesan clergy. From the 12th-13th centuries, due to the establishment of theological schools, especially universities, professional copyists began to appear, rewriting for profit. Mass production of books at universities triggered the need for copyists to compose appropriate regulations and to extend control over them by introducing a system of pecji. In the 14th and 15th centuries, there were also craft writing workshops dealing with the complete production of books. Their own copyists were employed by ruling and powerful clergy and laity. In Poland, professional copyists, called the cathedral, probably from the "cathedra scribendi" (learning to write), have been known since the beginning of the 15th century. In the Renaissance, calligraphy schools were established in Italy, educating lay copyists in the field of humanistic writing. The first corporations of professional copyists were established there.”


DescriptionGinkgo biloba ‘Kopista’ has quite variable foliage ranging from needle like leaves to those considered to be more normal. The mature foliage tends to curl inwards on itself, similar to a number of other dwarf cultivars. This gives a pleasing effect. The growth is fairly slow, 15cm - 20cm a year. It is a flat-growing, dense and compact growing Ginkgo that spreads more in width than in height.  It should only reach a height of 50 cm within 10 years, but there have been some reports of 1.2 to 1.8 m in height and width.

Ginkgo biloba ‘Kopista’

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