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Ginkgo biloba 'H. B. Leiden' syn. with Ginkgo biloba 'Heksembezen Leiden' (and in all probability ‘Hect Lieden’ presumably abbreviated from 'Heksembezen Leiden'). This cultivar was discovered at The Lieden Botanic Gardens Hortus Botanicus in The Netherlands on the famous Maidenhair tree which was planted in Hortus in 1785. It was found as a witch's broom before 2007. It is interesting to note that: Heksembezen is defined as an abnormal tufted growth of small branches on a tree or shrub caused by fungi or insects or other physiological disturbance (in other words a witch’s broom hence the name).


Description - Ginkgo biloba 'H. B. Leiden' syn. with Ginkgo biloba 'Heksembezen Leiden' (and in all probability ‘Hect Lieden’ presumably abbreviated from 'Heksembezen Leiden').The leaves are thick and leathery, light green when young darkening to a bluish shade of green, the cut between the lobes is deeper than the typical species. This has an umbrella like habit producing long horizontal shoots up to 30cm - 40cm a year. It grows slowly because it has an unusual habit of growing one year and then not putting on much growth the following year. In the autumn it turns a pleasing yellow. A specimen will rah a height and spread of 3m - 4m in approximately 10 years.

Ginkgo biloba ‘H.B. Lieden’ syn. Ginkgo biloba ‘Heksembezen Leiden’ (and in all

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