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This cultivar is offered by the Mr Maple Nursery, 107 Maplewood Knoll Drive East Flat Rock, North Carolina 28726, U.S.A. However, there is no information about the origin of the plant on their website. There is a suggestion that the tree from which this cultivar derives its name is from a tree that grows in Camden Park. Camden park is a twenty-six-acre amusement park located near Huntington, West Virginia, U.S.A. It was originally established in 1902 as a picnic spot by the Camden Interstate Railway Company.


Description - Ginkgo biloba ‘Camden Columnar’ is described as  ‘narrow male Ginkgo tree’. At present no further information can be found. However, from the image it can be ascertained that the plant has a strong leader and short side branches, which support the suggestion that it will develop into a narrow tree.

Ginkgo biloba 'Camden Columnar'

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